TriColor Prestained Protein Ladder [8 ~ 250 kDa; 11 bands]

TriColor Prestained Protein Ladder [8 ~ 250 kDa] is a tri-color pre-stained ready-to-use protein molecular weight standard that contains 11 known molecular weight pre-stained standard proteins with a molecular weight range of 8~250 kDa. After SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis or Western blot transfer, clear 11 colored protein bands can be observed, with the 72 kDa band appearing orange-red, the 8 kDa band appearing green, and the remaining 9 bands appearing blue.
Catalog No.502012
Unit Size 250uL
Product CategoryProtein Ladder
Storage/Stability -20°C/1 year
Shipping Gel Packs

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