REALyte™ 6-9

Carrier Ampholytes contain the complexity of polyfunctional pH species, which allows for separations of highest quality and resolution. Together with the buffering properties of carrier ampholytes, results in a stable pH gradient suitable for isoelectric focusing experiments. Subjected to an electrical field, the carrier ampholytes will automatically arrange themselves in the order of their pls so that those with the lowest pls will end up at the anode and those with the highest pls will be found at the cathode. When the pH gradient is fully established, the net charges of all the carrier ampholytes will be zero and the gradient becomes stationary. As with focused proteins, diffusion of carrier ampholytes is counteracted by the electrical field.

REALyte™ is the trade name of a 40% w/v mixture of carrier ampholytes with specified pH range which allows them to dictate the pH gradient. It is normally used at a concentation of 2%.
Catalog No.504304
Unit Size 12mL
Product CategoryCarrier Ampholyte
pH Gradient 6 - 9
Concentration 0.4
Storage/Stability 2 ~ 8°C/2 years
Shipping Ambient

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