REAL-Prep™ DNA Isolation & PCR Purification Kit

REAL-Prep™ DNA Isolation & PCR Purification kit is combination to recover DNA fragment from Agarose Gel and DNA fragments from enzymatic reactions/PCR products. The kit combines the convenience of spin-column technology with the selective binding properties of a uniquely designed silica membrane. Special buffers are optimized for efficient recovery of DNA and removal of contaminants.

The Adsorption Column can purify the DNA fragments of 100bp-10kb from Agarose Gel and 100bp-40kb of PCR product with over 80% of recovery efficiency.

The purified DNA can be directly used in applications such as restriction enzyme digestion, PCR amplification, sequencing, library screening, ligation, transformation, etc.
Catalog No.120003
Unit Size 50 preps / 100 preps
Product CategoryNucleic Acid Isolation
Storage/Stability Ambient/1 year
Shipping Ambient

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