NP-40 Lysis Buffer

NP-40 Lysis Buffer is a relatively mild cell and tissue lysate. The protein sample obtained by lysis of NP-40 lysate can be used for Conventional PAGE, Western, immunoprecipitation (immunol precipitation, IP), co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) and ELISA, etc. This product can be used for animal and plant cell or tissue samples, as well as for fungal or bacterial samples.

The main components of NP-40 lysis buffer are Tris (pH 7.4), NaCl, 1% NP-40, EDTA and phosphatase inhibitor. In addition, this product also presents a PMSF, which can effectively inhibit protein degradation.

The protein sample obtained by lysing with NP-40 Lysis Buffer can be used to determine the protein concentration with the BCA protein concentration determination kit. Due to Containing a higher concentration of detergent, the Bradford method cannot be used to determine the protein concentration of the sample lysed from this lysate.
Catalog No.501002
Unit Size 100mL
Product CategoryProtein Extraction
Storage/Stability -20°C/1 year
Shipping Ambient

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