Native Lysis Buffer

Native lysis buffer contains a non-ionic detergent that lyses the cells and releases cytosolic proteins and soluble membrane proteins, nuclear proteins under non-denaturing conditions. The lytic protein product under non-denaturing conditions maximizes the properties and functions of the protein, such as antigen-antibody binding or enzymatic activity, and is therefore suitable for co-immunoprecipitation. In addition, some antibodies have a higher binding capacity for non-denatured proteins or can only recognize antigenic sites of non-denatured proteins, in which case non-denaturing cleavage should be used.

Kit Components:
1. Native Lysis Buffer: 100mL
2. PMSF (100mM): 1.5mL
Catalog No.501001
Unit Size 100mL
Product CategoryProtein Extraction
Storage/Stability 2 ~ 8°C/1 year
Shipping Gel Packs

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