Mycoplasma Detection Assay kit

Mycoplasma Detection Kit is based on a fluorescent dyes (bis-Benzimide, Hoechst33258) to detect mycoplasma. The dye could binds to the A-T enriched region of DNA, because of the high content of A-T in the DNA of mycoplasma (55%~80%) it can be stained and detected. After staining, around the cells infected by mycoplasma can be seen many small and uniform fluorescent dots, that is, the DNA stain of mycoplasma, which shows that there are mycoplasma infections.

The maximum excitation wavelength of Hoechst33258 is 346nm, and the maximum emission wavelength is 460nm. After combined with double stranded DNA the maximum excitation wavelength of Hoechst33258 is 352nm, and the maximum emission wavelength is 461nm.
Catalog No.520115
Unit Size 100 Assays
Product CategoryCell Detection
Storage/Stability 2 ~ 8°C/1 year
Shipping Ambient

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