Metachromatic Granules Stain Kit (modified albert method)

Metachromatic granules are currently commonly stained using the Albert method, which is simple to stain and has clear contrast, and is often used to stain Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Corynebacterium diphtheriae is mostly rod-shaped and Gram-positive, but often shows one end irregularly extending into a rod shape. Bacteria often cluster at sharp angles into V, L or Y shapes, without motility, capsules, or spores. After staining, obvious dark-stained granules, namely metachromatic granules, can be seen at one end, both ends, or in the center of the bacteria.
Catalog No.260060
Unit Size 2 x 50mL
Product CategoryHistochemical Stain
Storage/Stability Ambient/6 months
Shipping Ambient

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