JC-10 Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay kit

JC-10 Assay provides the most robust assay method for monitoring mitochondria membrane potential changes in cells using the cationic, lipophilic JC-10 dye. In normal cells, JC-10 concentrates in the mitochondrial matrix where it forms red fluorescent aggregates. However, in apoptotic and necrotic cells, JC-10 diffuses out of mitochondria. It changes to monomeric form and stains cells in green fluorescence.

Although JC-1 is widely used, but compare to JC-1, JC-10 has much better water solubility. Also compare to JC-1, JC-10 does not precipitate in aqueous buffer. JC-10 is capable of selectively entering mitochondria, and reversibly changes its color from green to orange as membrane potentials increase. JC-10 is a superior alternative to JC-1 when high dye concentration is desired.
Catalog No.520113
Unit Size 100 Assays
Product CategoryCell Detection
Kit Components 1. JC-10 in DMSO
2. Staining Buffer
3. CCCP (100mM)
4. Ultrapure Water
Storage/Stability 2 ~ 8°C/1 year
Shipping Gel Packs

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