Elastic Fiber stain kit (Verhöeff method)

Elastic fiber (Elastic Fiber) is mainly distributed in the arterial wall, alveolar wall, and skin of the human body. It is yellow when fresh and has strong refraction. Commonly used elastic fiber dyeing methods include Gomori aldehyde fuchsin method, resorcinol basic fuchsin method, lichen red method, Victoria blue method, iron iodine hematoxylin method, etc. The Verhöeff staining method belongs to the iron iodine hematoxylin method, which is a classic method for elastic fiber dyeing, and the thick fiber is darker. This product is an improved Verhöeff staining method and does not contain dangerous reagents. If you need to stain collagen fibers and muscle fibers, you can over-dye the G1340-Masson tricolor stain kit. The reagents in this kit need to be prepared and used immediately, and the working solution is not easy to store.
Catalog No.261056
Unit Size 2 x 100mL
Product CategoryHistochemical Stain
Storage/Stability Ambient/6 months
Shipping Ambient

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