ECL-Plus substrate

ECL-PLUS Chemiluminescent Substrate is a ultra sensitive luminal-based enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) substrate, directly or indirectly detect protein conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). This unique luminescent substrate system is the most sensitive commercial fluorescent detection reagent, with high sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio, which 10-100 FG trace antigen can be detected. With rapid luminescence, the x-ray film can be retained for more than 12 hours, particularly suitable for the detection of trace proteins or nucleic acids. At the same time, the reagent allows the use of a higher antibody dilution ratio (1:2000-1:10000), a very save antibody, to maximize savings of antibodies.

Recommended primary antibody concentration: 1:1,000–1:20,000 dilution (0.05–1 ug/mL)
Recommended secondary antibody concentration: 1:25,000–1:200,000 dilution (5–40 ng/mL).

1) ECL-Plus Reagent-A (Luminol & Enhancer): 50mL
2) ECL-Plus Reagent-B (Peroxide & stabilizer): 50mL
Catalog No.504105
Unit Size 100mL
Product CategoryWestern Blot Substrate
Storage/Stability 2 ~ 8°C / 1 year
Shipping Ambient

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