Cartilage stain solution (safranin O method)

Cartilage tissue is composed of chondrocytes, cartilage matrix and fibers. Cartilage tissue and its surrounding perichondrium constitute cartilage. Cartilage is divided into hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage and fibrous cartilage according to the different cellulose components contained in the matrix. There are many methods for cartilage staining, such as toluidine blue method, alcian blue method, Safranin O method, etc.

The principle of Safranin O cartilage staining is that basophilic cartilage combines with the basic dye Safranin O to show red. Safranin O is a cationic dye that binds to polyanions. Its display of cartilage tissue is based on the combination of cationic dyes with anionic groups (chondroitin sulfate or keratan sulfate) in polysaccharides.
Catalog No.261060
Unit Size 100mL
Product CategoryHistochemical Stain
Storage/Stability Ambient/1 year
Shipping Ambient

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