Bradford Protein Assay

Bradford Protein Assay kit uses Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 dye to determine the protein concentration. The Coomassie G-250 dye, combined with protein in an acidic solution, makes the position of the maximum absorption peak of the dye from 465nm to 595nm. Within a certain concentration range, the measured absorbance value A595 and protein concentration are just proportional.

The reagents supplied in the kit couLd conduct the 2500 micro-assays.

Note: the Bradford method determines that the protein concentration is not affected by the chemicals in most samples. The concentration of beta-mercaptoethanol in the sample can be as high as 1M, and the concentration of dithiothreitol (DTT) can be as high as 5mM, but it is affected by a slightly higher concentration of detergent. It is necessary to ensure that the concentration of SDS is less than 0.1%, Triton X-100 is less than 0.1%,, and Tween-20/60/80 is less than 0.06%.

The samples containing detergents are recommended to use the BCA Protein Assay Kit (Cat. No. 210001).
Catalog No.210002
Unit Size 2500 Assays
Product CategoryProtein Assay
Storage/Stability 2 ~ 8°C/1 year
Shipping Ambient & Gel Packs

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