Acid-Fast Bacillus (AFB) stain kit (auramine O method)

The cell wall of mycobacteria contains a large amount of lipids surrounding the outside of peptidoglycan, so mycobacteria are generally not easy to stain. The traditional staining method requires heating and prolonged staining time to promote staining. Once the mycolic acid in mycobacteria combines with the dye, it is difficult to be decolorized by acidic decolorizing solution, so it is called acid-fast staining.

Acid-fast stain kit (auramine O fluorescence method) is an acid-fast bacteria fluorescent staining method that does not require heating and is simple and safe to operate. The principle of staining is to use a fluorescent microscope with an ultraviolet light source to examine the acid-fast bacilli after auramine O staining and counterstaining at room temperature. Acid-fast bacilli appear bright yellow, while other bacteria and background substances appear dark yellow. This method can be examined under a low-power microscope, so acid-fast bacteria can be found more quickly.
Catalog No.260042
Unit Size 3 x 50mL
Product CategoryHistochemical Stain
Storage/Stability Ambient/1 year
Shipping Ambient

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