Acid-Fast Bacillus (AFB) stain kit

Acid-fast staining is used for staining bacterial specimen smears or colony smears, and is often used for preliminary identification of Mycobacterium. Ordinary bacteria are easier to stain, but the cell wall of Mycobacteria contains more lipids, which makes it more difficult to stain. It must be heated before it can be stained with carbolic acid fuchsin. After the Mycobacterium cells are stained, they can resist decolorization by acidic decolorizers such as hydrochloric acid and alcohol, while other bacteria and cells are decolorized. When counterstained with alkaline methylene blue, the Mycobacteria are still red, and other bacteria and the background are blue. This product uses the classic heat staining method to identify and stain acid-fast bacteria.
Catalog No.260043
Unit Size 4 x 100mL
Product CategoryHistochemical Stain
Storage/Stability Ambient/1 year
Shipping Ambient

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